About the Open Space Explorers Game

The Open Space Explorers Game invites individuals and families to experience the natural beauty and history of Delaware Township’s 20 publicly accessible open spaces. Designed to promote outdoor exploration and awareness of the township’s preserved areas, the game is centered around the Open Space Passport, a personal logbook that participants use to document visits to parks, hiking trails, recreation areas and historic structures. The program fosters appreciation for the township’s cultural, ecological, and historic landmarks while promoting the principles of stewardship through the Leave No Trace ethic.

Play the Game!
Game play runs from March through November, with participants visiting as many open spaces as possible within seven months. Log each visit in your passport! The more sites you visit, the better the reward!

In December, you will submit a Game Packet for judging, including a copy of your Passport, photos and quiz responses to achieve different levels of recognition, including Open Space RangerJunior Explorer, and Explorer First Class. More details on how to submit your game packet will be provided later this year. 

Requirements and recognitions for each level:

Open Space Ranger

Submit a record of visits to at least 7 open spaces. Open Space Rangers will receive a Certificate of Recognition signed by the Mayor of Delaware Township, and the Open Space Committee Chair.

Open Space Junior Explorer

Submit a record of visits to at least 14 open spaces and answer Open Space quiz questions. Open Space Junior Explorers will receive a Certificate of Recognition signed by the Mayor of Delaware Township and the Open Space Committee Chair, and an Open Space Junior Explorer medallion. 

Open Space Explorer First Class

Submit a record of visits to all 20 open spaces, answer Open Space quiz questions and submit an essay about your Open Space explorations. Each Open Space Explorer First Class will receive a Certificate of Recognition signed by the Mayor of Delaware Township and the Open Space Committee Chair, an Open Space Explorer First Class medallion, and special recognition at the Township Committee meeting in February 2026.

Just Want to Play for Fun?

The point of the game is to enjoy Delaware Township’s Public Open Spaces! Use our Passport as a guide to do so!